Najglasnejša domača zasedba
The Canyon Observer je na povabilo festivala Bloodstock prvič nastopila na Otoku. Največji britanski neodvisni metal festival je bend gostil v soboto 9. avgusta na odru New Blood, pod katerim se je zbralo več 100 ljudi, poznejši komentarji na socialnih omrežjih (“Best band at Bloodstock!”, “What a fucking great gig.”, “Great set will hopefully see these guys go to bigger things.”) pa so presenetili tudi člane same. Dober odziv se je odrazil tudi v povpraševanju po studijskih posnetkih zasedbe, gotovo pa je šlo za eno resnejših izkušenj zasedbe.

Več fotografij najdete TUKAJ, TUKAJ in TUKAJ.

“Their music has a lot of hidden groove and the heavily-obscured vocals make the lyrics entirely inaudible, stripping the voice of meaning and transforming it into another instrument in the wall of sound.”
BILL MCGRATH, BillMcGrathMusic

“13 braw bands you may have been unlucky to miss at Bloodstock!”
NHC Glasgow

“While I saw some very good bands on the stage (The Canyon Observer and Byzanthian Neckbeard spring to mind), I would have been more inclined to go in there if it seemed that whoever selected them was more familiar with the local scenes across the UK, because the bands that got through from where I am are hardly local favourites around here.”
Random dude named SMERPHY, Bloodstock Community Forum

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