Petek, 10 maj, 2013 22:00

29. mednarodni festival Druga godba

+ DJ Chris Eckman & DJ GlobaLuna

Hipnotični etiopski groove črpa iz tradicije in razvija lastno govorico.

Zamaknjeno igranje na tradicionalno, na elektriko priključeno pet- ali šeststrunsko glasbilo opisujejo tisti, ki so Krar Collective videli v živo, kot hendrixovsko. Dodajmo, da je bil mentor mladega študenta Temesgena Zelekeja, danes inovatorja na šeststrunski liri krar, legendarni Mulatu Astatke, oživimo ob tem še spomin na vse goste minulih drugogodbenih etiopskih glasbenih gostij, pa dobimo obet poslastice: virtuoza na pentatonsko uglašeni liri in frenetično pevko in plesalko Genet Assefa. Po starostah klasike etiopske zlate dobe prihaja k nam mlada, sveža, v Londonu živeča etiopska glasbena kri: lahko si le mislimo, kako se bo plesalo in igralo, če so že “stari” tako nebrzdano razmigali svoja gibka telesa.

Temesgen Zeleke – krar, glas
Genet Assefa – glas
Grum Begashaw – tolkala

Zadnji album: Ethiopia Super Krar (2012)

Dvodnevna vstopnina: 26 € v predprodaji (www.eventim.si in Eventimova prodajna mesta), 29 € na dan dogodka. Za otroke do 12. leta ter gibalno in senzorno ovirane osebe je vstop brezplačen.

Obiskovalce prosimo, da si zaradi omejene prostorske kapacitete prizorišč pravočasno zagotovijo prostor. Rezervacija vstopnic, sedišč ali stojišč ni mogoča. Vstop na prizorišča ne bo mogoč, ko bo kapaciteta posameznega prizorišča zapolnjena. Vračilo denarja za kupljeno vstopnico ni možno.

29. International Festival Druga godba – 10 and 11 May 2013
This year Druga Godba introduces a new concept for it’s 29th edition.
Starting on Friday 10th of May with Rokia Traoré at Križanke. One ticket guides the public in 29 hours through Ljubljana and a musical program that reflects today’s diversity and quality from all over the world.

Presales: 26 €
Box office: 29 €
Entry is free for children under 12, those with a physical disability, and the blind and partially sighted.
International tickets sales

Tickets, seats or spaces cannot be reserved in advance. Because places are limited at every venue, we kindly ask you to arrive at your chosen concert or event in good time. Entry will not be possible to a full venue. Please note that there will be no ticket refunds.

Friday 10 May 2013, Gala Hala Summer Garden
DJ Chris Eckman & DJ GlobaLuna
Mind-blowing Ethiopian grooves, rooted in tradition and drenched in attitude
In the footsteps of the godfathers of the Ethiopian golden age comes a young, fresh, London-based band. If you’ve seen Krar Collective live, you’ll probably want to describe their ecstatic virtuosity on traditional five- and six-stringed instruments, electrified of course, as ‘Hendrix-like’. We might add that when he was a young student, Temesgen Zeleke, today an innovator on the krar, the six-stringed lyre, was mentored by the legendary Mulatu Astatke, which cannot help but revive memories of the many Ethiopian musicians who have passed through Druga Godba’s doors over the years. This time round there will be a host of other fine things to enjoy, including masterful work on the pentatonic lyre and the frenetic singer and dancer, Genet Assefa. We can only imagine what their dancing and playing will be like if the golden generation can still move with such supple abandon.
Temesgen Zeleke – krar, vocals
Genet Assefa – vocals
Grum Begashaw – percussion

Last album: Ethiopia Super Krar (2012)

Permanent link to this article: https://www.galahala.com/arhiv/druga-godba-letni-oder-gala-hala/5624/