Ponedeljek, 23 junij, 2014 20:30

Dirty Skunks predstavljajo:


Summer Break-down!
Zadnja leta nas poleg bližajočega se konca šole vedno razveseli tudi dejstvo, da se Gala Hala na Metelkovi spremeni v prizorišče divjanja, norenja in razvrata – pa ne govorimo o zadnjem šolskem plesu tekočega leta, temveč o koncertih modernih metal oz. kar metalcore oziroma deathcore zasedb. V tem času nas vsako leto obišče vsaj ena znamenita metal- ali deathcore skupina, letos pa bodo med drugim prišli tudii We Came As Romans ter Miss May I.

We Came As Romans prihajajo iz ZDA in so, kar se metalcora tiče, bolj melodične, a vsekakor – kar spet velja za metalcore – zelo dinamične sorte. Mladeniči so svojo pot pričeli leta 2005 in do danes izdali dva EP-ja ter kar tri studijske albume, DVD in seveda tudi nekaj spotov. V živo so neustavljiva sila, njihove pesmi so polne nalezljivih vokalnih in kitarskih melodij, težkih ritmov in breakdownov, ki kar kličejo po moshu!

Miss May I tudi prihajajo iz ZDA in so prav tako izdali tri studijske albume, s tem da so njihovo glasbo uporabili tudi v soundtracku za filem Žaga VI ter računalniško igro Saints Row: The Third. In četudi mogoče niste oboževalci tako filma kot igre, boste gotovo noreli na njihovem nastopu. Mladeniči so namreč turnejsko zelo aktivni, njihovi live nastopi pa so, kot se za metalcore bend spodobi, prava bomba energije.

School’s out for summer! Summer break-down seveda pričakuje, da se boste sprostili, pustili skrbi in knjige doma ter seveda dali vse od sebe, da se bo tudi letošnji mosherski začetek poletaj v zgodovino zapisal z velikimi črkami.

Vstopnina: 20 € v predprodaji, 24 € na dan koncerta. Poseben popust ob nakupu obeh vstopnic za koncerte 23. In 24.6. prek On-Parole, število omejeno!

Predprodaja: On Parole Productions/pri Veselih Dihurčkih/Madness Shop/Master Shop (LJ)/Gala Hala na dogodkih/Zoso music shop (NG)/klub Satchmo (MB)



Dirty Skunks present:

Summer Break-down!

School’s out for summer! Summer break-down wants you to relax, leave your worries and books behind and, of course, to give it all so that this year’s ‘mosher’ summer start will be written in history too.

Both from this year’s metal-/deathcore guests come from the United States.

We Came As Romans formed in 2005. In addition to their unique melodic metalcore sound and positive message, they have become well-known for their impressive commitment to touring. Last year they performed on the entirety of the 2013 Vans Warped Tour as a Main Stage artist. Live they are unstoppable, a force with songs full of catchy vocal and guitar tunes, heavy rhythms and breakdowns that are just calling for mosh!

Delving deeper into the source of anguish that fuelled “Apologies Are For the Weak” (selling well over 25,000 records in 1 year), Miss May I present an even more eclectic side to the organized chaos they have earned a reputation for. Borrowing from a wider range of genres, the new album touches upon parts of thrash merged with melody and metalcore goodness. Watch as these young guns become the next big thing in metal.

More info: www.dirtyskunks.org/en/index.html

Tickets: 20 € pre-sale, 24 € on the concert day. Special discount for purchases of tickets for both concerts (23 & 24 June) through On-Parole, only limited number of tickets available!
Ticket pre-sale: On Parole Productions/Dirty Skunks/Madness Shop/Master Shop in Ljubljana/at Gala Hala events/Zoso music shop in Nova Gorica/klub Satchmo in Maribor.

FB event

Permanent link to this article: https://www.galahala.com/arhiv/dirty-skunks-predstavljajo-we-came-as-romans-miss-may-i-letni-vrt/8503/