REPETITOR & SEINE @ Summer Garden & Gala hala

Četrtek, 5 julij, 2018 20:00toPetek, 6 julij, 2018 06:00

Moonlee Records & Gala Hala presenet:

Repetitor (garage rock, post-punk)

Repetitor are Serbian garage rock/post-punk trio from Belgrade. The band’s early performances gained them public attention, and their debut album was met with positive reactions by both the audience and the critics, making them one of the most prominent bands of the so-called New Serbian Scene.

Repetitor faithfully carved their signature sound, a blend of heavy rock’n'roll, post-punk and everything in between. They deliver songs of cross-genre ecstasy, packed in a powerful, rocking-your-guts-out interplay of instruments, vocals and the distinctive wall of sound they create together.

Repetitor @ FB >>
Repetitor @ Bandcamp >>

SEINE (post-punk-noise, folk-punk)

Croatian folk-punk band Seine started as a singer-songwriter project that later developed into a full-fledged band. Their sound is a mixture of dreamy acustic guitar, psychedelic bass and unique vocals with feminine characteristics that resembles Cigarettes After Sex.


Seine @ FB >>
Seine @ Bandcamp >>

After: BIGor

12 € >>
15 € at the door

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